March 17, 2020


In August of 2019 I was promoted to Director of College and Career Readiness in my school district. My experience in Career Technical Education helped me secure the position which includes support of all 8 indicators on the California Dashboard College/Career Readiness indicator. My new professional responsibilities and the challenges of my personal life through the last two years have kept me from posting here, so I don't know if anyone is still tuned in. If you are, please leave a comment below.

As the majority of employees in my school district are waiting at home for the Coronavirus pandemic to pass, I continue to work with a small team of administrators in the central office brainstorming ideas of how to support our families. We are diligently studying the resources provided by our neighboring districts and contemplating what this lengthy school closure means to our students.

I am preparing a longer post about the impact of COVID 19 on education that I will share soon. While we educators are separated from our students, classrooms, and each other, it's important that we continue to dialogue about education and the issues we are facing. Hopefully the time away will be an opportunity to reflect and prepare for the inevitable changes that await us.